Post by TheTinyShadows on Jan 14, 2006 20:02:02 GMT -5
I have two separate copies of AOL 9, and have had one copy of PT 12 for some time now. To access the second account with PT, I have been using the Guest feature, however, mail does not save to your computer when you use Guest. As such, I decided to purchase and install a second copy of PT 12.
After installing it, I tested it and everything appeared to be fine. I placed the installation in a separate folder (much like my second copy of AOL), so that I could easily distinguish the difference. The first thing I noticed that was unusual was that my Custom Phrases were connected to this second installation.
The problem started when I switched back to my main AOL account, and tried to run my original installation of PTs (which is connected to that AOL account). Since I was logged on at the time of running, it stated that it could not start while logged on (the whole, "This is the first time you've run PT/You're signed on as Guest/This is a Trial Copy").
Due to the programming of PT, is it impossible to have two installations of it? Is there something that I might have done wrong? If it is impossible, how do I go about asking for a refund for the second copy that I purchased?
Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
Post by jeromy on Jan 14, 2006 20:51:42 GMT -5
Due to the programming of PT, is it impossible to have two installations of it? PowerTools was designed to allow mutliple screen names on multiple accounts access to the same information (example: PowerPlaces and PowerTools Address Book). Many users had CL (Comminuty Leader) accounts along with their own personal accounts, which is why PowerTools is programmed in this manner. With that being said, it is possible to use PowerTools for multiple AOL accounts the problem you're running into is because the Custom Phrase Editor remembers the last database used. There are only two alternative solutions: 1. Combine your Editors and only use one database. 2. Open the Custom Phrase Editor, Select File and choose your existing database. If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know.
Post by TheTinyShadows on Jan 14, 2006 21:36:20 GMT -5
Hmm, I'm not sure if we're on the same page or not, Rocky.
My problem is that PT will only run with one of my AOL accounts now; regardless of which installation of PT I attempt to use.
Post by TheTinyShadows on Jan 14, 2006 21:44:14 GMT -5
Okay, I just tested on both AOL accounts. It seems to be that both the new installation of PT (that I purchased and downloaded today) and my previous PT are both connected to my secondary account. So now I have two PTs for my secondary account, and none for my primary, which I've been using PT with since AOL 3.0.
Post by jeromy on Jan 15, 2006 13:58:08 GMT -5
Have you received two different set of Registration numbers for each AOL Account you have? Or are the numbers the same?
Post by TheTinyShadows on Jan 15, 2006 16:12:47 GMT -5
Have you received two different set of Registration numbers for each AOL Account you have? Or are the numbers the same? Just checked through the Registration Support--they are both different.
Post by jeromy on Jan 16, 2006 19:52:43 GMT -5
Could you clarify what you mean by this post then:
You can have as many copies of AOL as you'd like, this only requires ONE copy of PowerTools to be installed.
Post by TheTinyShadows on Jan 16, 2006 20:54:09 GMT -5
You can have as many copies of AOL as you'd like, this only requires ONE copy of PowerTools to be installed. Okay, so this leads to two stupid questions! ^_^ 1. How do I get PT to work with two different copies of AOL, without having to sign on as Guest? 2. How do I go about getting a refund for the second copy of PT that I just purchased, because I was always led to believe that you can only have PT work with one copy of AOL (unless you sign on as Guest)?
Post by jeromy on Jan 18, 2006 1:00:09 GMT -5
1. I recommend making icons on your desktop that lead to two seperate AOL accounts. I've always renamed the shortcuts to identify which AOL Account the icon belongs to. For example: If I had an AOL Account of Member123 and another AOL Account of MemberABC, I'd have two icons that lead to each AOL Account. Setting up individual icons are easy (just right-click your desktop > Select New > Shortcut. Click on the Browse button and locate the AOL software (by default this is C:\Program Files\America Online 9\AOL.exe), then name your shortcut.
I set icons up like this because it is easy to quickly launch the version of AOL you want, then load PowerTools.
2. Getting PowerTools to work with both AOL Accounts is simple. You just need to launch one AOL Account with PowerTools > Register PowerTools (using the number you should already have). Then exit PowerTools and that AOL Account, then launch your second AOL Account with PowerTools > Register PowerTools (with the number you should already have).
Here are a couple of things to note:
1. If you have two seperate installations of PowerTools and you wish to remove one of them, simply navigate to C:\Program Files\ locate the one you wish to remove, right-click on the file > Select Delete. By default, PowerTools stores in C:\Program Files\PowerTools12. Make certain you aren't deleting anything you need to save (IM Logs, Chat Logs, Custom Phrase Editor Datbase, Address Book Database, etc...)
2. The reason you'll need to launch your AOL Accounts first, is because PowerTools remembers the location of the last AOL version you loaded and always loads the same account. Since you want to juggle two AOL Accounts you'll need to load AOL, then PowerTools.